Yawning Too Hard, Oral Teens 17 Year Continues gaping

Diposting oleh ale on Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Northampton - A teenager yawned so hard in the class of political subjects that made her mouth wide open and should be taken to the hospital.
Holly Thompson, 17, was studying for subjects of government and politics A-level at Northampton School for Girls when her jaw dislocation and can not be closed again.
Yawning is a very humane thing especially when bored, drowsy, or reduced oxygen levels in the brain. However, be careful when yawning. Do not until you can not shut up again, as happened to a British teenager, Holly Thompson.
17 years old girl yawned when he was following the political lessons at school, Kingsthorpe, Northampton. However, it became a disastrous beginning. After opening the mouth wide, he seemed trapped. Can not shut his mouth again.
Holly, from Kingsthorpe, Northampton, said: "I was shocked, my expression probably says it all. I nudged my friend to show you what happens but I'm really embarrassed."
Surprised not to shut his mouth again, she immediately asked for the help of her classmates. However, in vain. "When he could not help my mouth shut, he reported to the teacher," he said as reported by the Daily Mail.
Feeling embarrassed ridiculed classmates and teacher, she immediately went to the school health unit. However, all efforts made to close the jaws nurses failed. He then rushed to the hospital for further treatment.
Although it is very strange and maybe funny, doctor Ejiro Obakponovwe not think it laughable. "It could be very serious because he could not eat, can not really drink, and would really dehydrated," said Ejiro in the BBC show 'Bizarre ER'.
To overcome this, Ejiro put 26 tongue depressors in Holly's mouth. This is done to make the jaw tired and relaxed so they can go back shut. After that success, Ejiro Holly also improve the position of the jaw with both hands. After the incident, Holly prohibited evaporate, because the position of the jaw to become unstable.
In spite of his suffering, which is considered embarrassing incident this would make him famous on Youtube. How not, a video featuring Holly's injury is packed with very unique and funny, in which he depicted in a cartoon character. "That's great, but I'd rather be famous for something else," said Holly.
Teenagers, who is also studying for A-level in Spanish, English and psychology, said, "It's really bad in the hospital. I had to sit in the waiting room with a scarf in my mouth so no one saw what happened. "
"It's hard to communicate with the doctor. I think they will just give me some medicine, do not put a piece of wood in there."
In total, his jaw stuck for five hours, and still feel the pain for a few hours after that.
Holly said, "My friends kept coming to me and asked how my jaw and told me famous."

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