Perform Self Hypnosis Before Surgery to Overcome Pain

Diposting oleh ale on Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

When will undergo surgery, good preparation is important to do especially with regard to physical readiness, mental, and emotional. These things, if prepared properly will make the procedures followed were much easier and convenient.
The mind has a tremendous force, and even can be said is not limited. If the mind is focused on something, then it can easily be realized. In other words, what was expected, likely will occur.
Therefore, if someone her mind focused on his fear it will automatically increase certain hormones. As a result, tolerance to pain is reduced, so the person takes drugs or anesthesia in order not to feel more pain.
Fear can also cause tension, which ultimately causes muscle contraction. Muscle contraction or straining also increase the intensity of pain during surgery, it can even slow down the recovery process afterwards.
Some aim to do self hypnosis before surgery include the following, as quoted from Healthy Times, Friday (21/10/2011):
1. As an approach to the surgical procedure without fear2. Underwent anesthesia procedures using fewer3. Minimizing the experience of discomfort4. Recover much more quickly5. Keeping blood pressure at safe levels and healthy.
Learn self hypnosis really is not that difficult, because the ability to perform self hypnosis is the perfect training process and results of repeated trial and error. The benefit is also not just for the preparation of the operation, because this technique bsia applied in many ways.
One of the techniques in using self hypnosis as quoted from mindtools is as follows.
1. First, determine the purpose of self-hypnosis. For those who do it as a preparation oeprasi, reassure yourself that the benefits of pain during the surgery may not be nothing compared to its benefits to heal the sick, so it must be resisted.
2. After that, find a fairly quiet place. If no, create a way of focusing the mind, closing her eyes.
3. The next step is to let go of all thoughts, so that the whole body is completely free of stress. Imagine there is a wave that flows from hair to toe, wash away all thoughts.
4. Finally, give suggestions to yourself, for example with the words, "I am very relaxed and comfortable. The more I breathe, feel more comfortable." Or it could be, "I am tired and very sleepy. I feel heaven in my hands and feet. I'm tired, more tired .."

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