Brewing Milk With Hot Water Equals Deplete vitamins

Diposting oleh ale on Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Perhaps your intent is to make the milk warm. Powdered milk or liquid milk into a glass we provide information to us immediately brewed with hot water with temperatures near 100 ° C. Then after a quarter or a third filled glasses, and then we pour the rest with plain water until almost a full one glass. But did you know that this way is almost a worst methods to make a glass of warm milk is a nutritious?
Surprised? Perhaps yes, perhaps not. But this is so, all the vitamins will break down and damaged when in contact with the temperature too hot. So brew a powdered milk or fresh milk with hot water directly, in fact not unlike removing the vitamins contained in them. Not many people know about these trivial but important. Even though the medical community. Try to think about it, how the growth of your baby if milk as a food additive should be full of vitamins that you provide to them were vitamin content has been lost? Relakah you if this happens only because the little things and sesepele this?
Vitamins are very vulnerable to decay. Moreover, because of exposure and contact with objects or substances with temperatures too extreme. Included here is the hot water. The hot water is referred to here is the boiling water or water with temperatures near the boiling point of water wherever you are (the boiling point of water is not always 100 ° C, depending on temperature and pressure where you are). Why not have the habit of brewing tea, coffee, milk and even so, with hot water when we want to make a cup drink it? Well, that's the point of fault. It is already entrenched. Even in this famous-famous place or several places to eat, often when we order a milk 'anget', which presented precisely milk 'hot' that in fact no longer the milk is rich in vitamins again. Just try to stall "fresh cow's milk". See the processing of milk, approximately what percentage of the vitamins that are contained in a glass of milk is presented as' panas' it mean? Therefore, we should understand how these steps actually provides milk to vitamins is not too much is lost?
Milk contains so many vitamins and minerals in it. But remember, not only are many nutrients contained in milk, but also bacteria. Millions of bacteria thrive in a glass of milk you just dairy from a cow. And only the heat that is able to separate between the two. But the excess heat is not only eliminates bacteria that live in it, but also all the vitamins. Heating method has been used in processing milk is the way "Pasteurization", in which milk is heated to a temperature of 70 ° C. Natural milk bad bacteria will die, but the vitamin content of milk is still maintained. But where might we be able to ensure the steeping water temperature that we use in making a glass of milk? It is not practical to measure the water temperature tremos us before making a glass of milk.
For that, there are two possible paths easily taken to mediate this.1. Use warm water, or, at least if you only had boiling water, leave it exposed to free water in your glass before you Dab your powder or liquid milk. Warm here is lukewarm. You know if it'll take a shower with warm water, you would set how warm the water before you use. That is lukewarm.2. Pour cold water or water with room temperature milk in powder or liquid that you dab on the glass, before you menyeduhnya with boiling water or hot water tremos you. This method is faster, but less accurate. Of course because of estimates of how much cold water you with how much water you pour hot which will later need a more accurate estimate. One-one end is still too hot temperatures. But this is still better than if you brew your milk powder or liquid with boiling water directly.

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