Speakers Called For Easier Access To Work

Diposting oleh ale on Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

The rally should plan to support the work of President Barack Obama who died on Tuesday in U. S. The Senate. However, the speakers used in the platform for a variety of causes, including state law doomed, doomed to the identification of voters at the polls in protest against the recent execution of Troy Davis, a Georgia man kill a off-duty police. Davis maintained his innocence until his death, and attracted thousands of fans around the world, even though the courts repeatedly ruled there was enough evidence to exonerate him.
Singing for jobs and justice, have contributed many protestors carried banners of their unions and pins or T-shirts with the image of the king. Obama should speak on Sunday during the opening ceremony of the monument, the monument to the first black leader on the National Mall
Sharpton, the keynote speaker at the March on Washington for Jobs and justice not to jump to the Senate passage of Obama's jobs bill $ 450 billion. The measure includes an extension of the payroll tax and reducing unemployment benefits and money to help local governments to keep teachers and other workers in the workplace.
Obama and Senate Democratic leaders plan to try to overcome the elements of the measure, and the president used his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday called on Republicans to support his economic proposals - or explain to their constituents why not do.
"If you can not do the work in a suit and tie, the bill, the bill then we will work on the roads," Sharpton said to cheers and applause.
He told the audience that the King would have supported their cause, "because it was for those who were defeated and thrown back." The eldest son of King, Martin Luther King III, was also one of the speakers.
"More than 45 years, my father has talked to a redistribution of wealth. In fact, this is probably why he was killed," said King. "He said that if America is to survive in a responsible manner, then there must be a redistribution of wealth."
Among those who attended the demonstration on Saturday Kathie Williams, a part-time administrator of Howard County, Maryland, Department of Parks and Recreation. You want to find a full time job, but finds it difficult to do this, despite an active search.
"Nobody told me," said Williams.
Shadow Belinda, 56, of Waldorf, Maryland, and works as a special education administrator, but said the economy makes it even more uncertain.
"Right now I have a job, but I do not know what might happen tomorrow," said the shadow, adding all .. "There is no work, people are really bad is out of joint, as a result."
District of Columbia, Mayor Vincent Gray held a protest demanding greater autonomy separately for the county government before and during the larger meeting. Congress must approve the local government budget and the mayor earlier this year, when he was arrested with a budget of negotiation in the Congress that the restrictions on how the city could spend money like the protests.
Labor Secretary Hilda Solis and Randi Weingarten, American Federation of Teachers were among the other speakers.
But Sharpton said the meeting was not a clearly political statement or as part of the President for reelection.

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