Relieve Flu Symptoms with materials in the Kitchen

Diposting oleh ale on Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

The initial symptoms of fever or flu should not be cured with medicine. In the kitchen there are actually some foods or spices that can help relieve symptoms of fever and flu, and can speed recovery.
When experiencing early symptoms of flu or fever, it never hurts to glance at the ingredients contained in the kitchen. As quoted from Epharmapedia, Saturday (22/10/2011), some food ingredients and herbs that can relieve symptoms of fever and flu, among others:
1. LemonLemon can relieve or alleviate the symptoms of sore throat, cleanses the blood, and thin the mucus. Add half a lemon and a teaspoon of maple syrup in a cup of warm water.
2. Chicken soupThe use of chicken soup to relieve colds and flu like back in the 12th century. Where in a 12th century physician and philosopher, Maimonides never recommend chicken soup to treat colds and flu.
3. MustardMustard can reduce fever, eliminate toxins, and helps heal the mucous membranes in the lung.
4. GingerGinger drinks can help kill germs, it can be as antiviral, and can also relieve abdominal pain. Boil two tablespoons of grated fresh ginger in two cups water for 15 minutes. After the boil, wait 10 minutes, then drink as needed.
Add ginger to bath also stimulate lymphatic drainage and stimulate lymph speed. To add the ginger into the water bath, then destroy the first quarter of a cup of fresh ginger. Then place into a cheesecloth and soak in the bath tub.
5. GarlicGarlic is very often used as a spice in the kitchen, can be used as a preventative and as a treatment for colds and flu. Raw garlic has anti fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral.
Researchers in England found that garlic can speed recovery from colds and can increase the resistance. Garlic can cause increased bleeding, so for those who are taking medications for bleeding should be careful when adding garlic to your diet.
6. PeppermintBeverages with added mint to warm and helpful to be able to sweat. Make a drink with mint and extra bed early, can make the body sweat. So the drink containing mint can reduce fever.
7. Castor oilCastor oil in containers can be placed on the chest. It can open up the airwaves and bring circulation to the lungs. Castor oil can be placed on the chest, with cover with muslin or flannel, and place a warm hot water bottle over the chest.
8. OrangeResearch has shown that vitamin C found in orange juice, which can be taken every day, so it can shorten the duration of the flu. A new study shows that, 1,000 mg of vitamin C every 6 hours can effectively reduce, or even prevent flu symptoms.
9. HorehoundHorehound is often used as an ingredient of cough syrup. Horehound-containing beverages can also be used to relieve coughs.
10. HoneyHoney has tremendous healing effects. Honey can be used to relieve cough and improve immunity. A simple cough syrup can be made with a few tablespoons of honey and a little fresh lemon juice.
11. SaltSalt solution can be used to rinse his mouth and can relieve a sore throat. Use warm water and may also add a little turmeric which has anti-inflammatory effects. Another use of saline solution for nasal irrigation can.
By using a warm salt water is inhaled through the sinuses to help nasal decongestants. New research shows that, the speed of recovery from a sinus infection can be increased by as nasal irrigation with salt water.
12. KiwiKiwi can be useful for treating upper respiratory tract infections (ARI). Kiwi has a high vitamin C content.
13. Water or hydrotherapyBath can improve blood circulation. A warm bath can help reduce fever. Or try a water bath with ginger.
14. ChamomileChamomile has been used as medicine for thousands of years, chamomile can be taken as a beverage or inhalants. Inhaling steam of chamomile extracts have been reported to help relieve cold symptoms.
Seek medical attention if symptoms of flu or fever persists or worsens. Moreover, the signs of sudden weakness, or high fever should immediately seek treatment darur.

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