Steve Jobs Car Number Plate Mystery has been Solved

Diposting oleh ale on Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Mystery surrounding car Apple founder Steve Jobs finally solved. There are plausible reasons why Jobs did not intentionally put the number of police in his luxury car. As reported by autoevolution, Saturday (29/10/2011), there are two rumors about police numbers Mercedes-Benz SL 55 AMG belongs to Jobs. First, Jobs paid a fine on a regular basis to the California police because the police did not put up numbers in his car. Secondly, Jobs has special permission to not install the license plate. Both rumors were apparently not true. Is Jon Callas, CTO of Entrust and who are former Apple employees who disclose the reason Jobs did not put a number of police in the silver-colored car. In an interview with ITWire, Callas revealed that Jobs used to replace the car every 6 months. California law requires that there is not a car has a license plate on a new car within 6 months. Thus, the eccentric nature of Jobs does look, as how he kept changing his car every 6 months. With his wealth, Jobs would be flipping car brands every 6 months. Just an interesting, why should always Mercy SL 55 AMG? If it will be sold now, it might be worth a fortune
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It's that Make Women More Invulnerability of Heart Disease

Diposting oleh ale on Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

During this heart disease is identical with men and rarely experienced by women. Now the researchers managed to find reasons that make women more immune to heart disease. What is it?

Researchers from Queen Mary, University of London revealed that the sex hormone estrogen helps protect women from heart disease by keeping the immune system.

Sex hormone estrogen in women will be working in white blood cells to prevent the plaques attached to the blood vessels, thus avoiding a dangerous blockage.

This new study shows that women have a protein annexin-A1 higher on the surface of white blood cells. These proteins are highly related and estrogen levels throughout the menstrual cycle.

Estrogen helps move the annexin-A1 from the surface into the white blood cells, thus preventing plaque attached to the walls of blood vessels that can cause damage to the vascular (blood vessel).

"From the beginning we already know that estrogen can protect pre-menopausal women from heart disease, and these results memjadi protection clue how it happened," said Dr. Suchita Nadkarni of the William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary, University of London, as quoted from ScienceDaily , Saturday (09/10/2011).

Estrogen helps maintain a balance between protecting against infection and arteries from damage that leads to cardiovascular disease. The results of this study help explain why cardiovascular disease is higher in males than in females.

"In addition, understanding how the body against heart disease naturally be very important to develop new treatments," said Dr. Nadkarni.

Even so every woman still have to maintain healthy lifestyles, because when she entered menopause the risk of heart disease with men sudha due to declining estrogen levels in the body.
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NATO military operations in Libya Ended October 31

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After the death of Muammar Gaddafi, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) announced that it will put an end to military operations in Libya on 31 October. However, NATO will still be consulted with the United Nations and Libya temporal authority.
"We agreed that our mission has been very close to completion and we have taken the initial decision that the mission of Operation Unified Protector ends on October 31," said the Head of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen as reported by AFP on Saturday (22/10/2011).
Rasmussen announced that after a dialogue with representatives of 28 NATO member states in Brussels, Belgium. Added to him, he still will consult further with a number of parties that decision.
"Meanwhile, I will consult with the UN and the National Transitional Council (temporary authority Libya)," he added.
"I am very proud of our achievements, along with our partners, including a number of countries from different regions," said Rasmussen.
Although Libya has ended its mission in the future, manyatakan Rasmussen, NATO will continue to monitor the situation of Libya from afar. This is in order to ensure the security of Libyan civilians.
"Monitoring the situation and maintain the capacity to respond to threats against civilians, if needed," he said.
When asked about the NATO air strikes against Khadafi car entourage near Sirte, Thursday (20/10) and then, Rasmussen emphasized that NATO has never made the Gaddafi as a target of attack.
According to Rasmussen, NATO troops know their location from previous experience. Transatlantic military alliance that helped NATO did not even realize hiding Saif al-Islam, son of Gaddafi.
Rasmussen also urged the transitional government of Libya to respect human rights, whoever it is. "Life is respect for human rights, including total transparency," he said.
According to the calculations, all the conduct of military operations in Libya, NATO has conducted 26,156 air attacks, including the 9364 surprise attack. NATO began his mission to run the UN mandate to protect civilians daro threat Gaddafi regime in Libya on March 31, 2011 ago. At that time, NATO took over control of air and sea who previously held the French and English.
On Thursday (20/10) and then, NATO aircraft managed to find a convoy of 11 vehicles containing Gaddafi support troops. The convoy was later revealed to be part of a convoy Yeng larger consists of 75 vehicles to maneuver around Sirte.
But the NATO attack only succeeded in crippling one vehicle only. Nevertheless, it is able to disrupt the convoy vehicles and make a lot of changing directions.
After that, the NATO troops ambushed another convoy consisting of about 20 vehicles. Approximately 10 of them successfully destroyed. And this time the attack on Gaddafi.
"This attack is much contributed to the arrest," said NATO was alluding to Gaddafi.
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Iran Welcomes Gaddafi Death, NATO Attacks Have Ended

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Former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has died. The Iranian government welcomed the Libyan dictator's death as a great victory. Iran also hopes Gaddafi's death would end the NATO military intervention in Libya.

"Inevitable fate of all dictators and oppressors who do not respect the rights of their people is the destruction," said a spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Ramin Mehmanparast quoted as saying by the official news agency IRNA and AFP reported on Friday (21/10/2011 ).

"The Islamic Republic of Iran welcomes this great victory and congratulate the Muslim people of Libya and the National Transitional Council (National Transitional Council, or NTC)," said Mehmanparast.

According to Iranian officials, with the death of Gaddafi then there is no longer an excuse for foreign military intervention in Libya.

"It is important for foreign forces to withdraw as soon as possible to allow the Libyan people to determine their own future," said Mehmanparast.

The Iranian government has been supporting the Libyan revolution that has lasted eight months and ended with the death of Gaddafi. Although the Iranian government does not give official recognition to the NTC which was formed by the rebels, but Iran sends humanitarian aid and konsiten expressed support for efforts to end the power Gaddafi rebels. Yet Iran also repeatedly opposed the air strikes launched by NATO in Libya.
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Perform Self Hypnosis Before Surgery to Overcome Pain

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When will undergo surgery, good preparation is important to do especially with regard to physical readiness, mental, and emotional. These things, if prepared properly will make the procedures followed were much easier and convenient.
The mind has a tremendous force, and even can be said is not limited. If the mind is focused on something, then it can easily be realized. In other words, what was expected, likely will occur.
Therefore, if someone her mind focused on his fear it will automatically increase certain hormones. As a result, tolerance to pain is reduced, so the person takes drugs or anesthesia in order not to feel more pain.
Fear can also cause tension, which ultimately causes muscle contraction. Muscle contraction or straining also increase the intensity of pain during surgery, it can even slow down the recovery process afterwards.
Some aim to do self hypnosis before surgery include the following, as quoted from Healthy Times, Friday (21/10/2011):
1. As an approach to the surgical procedure without fear2. Underwent anesthesia procedures using fewer3. Minimizing the experience of discomfort4. Recover much more quickly5. Keeping blood pressure at safe levels and healthy.
Learn self hypnosis really is not that difficult, because the ability to perform self hypnosis is the perfect training process and results of repeated trial and error. The benefit is also not just for the preparation of the operation, because this technique bsia applied in many ways.
One of the techniques in using self hypnosis as quoted from mindtools is as follows.
1. First, determine the purpose of self-hypnosis. For those who do it as a preparation oeprasi, reassure yourself that the benefits of pain during the surgery may not be nothing compared to its benefits to heal the sick, so it must be resisted.
2. After that, find a fairly quiet place. If no, create a way of focusing the mind, closing her eyes.
3. The next step is to let go of all thoughts, so that the whole body is completely free of stress. Imagine there is a wave that flows from hair to toe, wash away all thoughts.
4. Finally, give suggestions to yourself, for example with the words, "I am very relaxed and comfortable. The more I breathe, feel more comfortable." Or it could be, "I am tired and very sleepy. I feel heaven in my hands and feet. I'm tired, more tired .."
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Is it true that AC makes people easy Colds?

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When in a cold room and air-conditioning is usually a person's frequent colds. Then is it true the news that AC can make a person more susceptible to colds?

Some people believe that the decrease in temperature that occur suddenly can affect a person's immune system, making people more susceptible to illnesses such as colds.

"Colds and other respiratory diseases are always associated with cold air. But the cold air is not the cause, but a virus," said Dr. Ujwala Kaza, an allergist immunologist from New York University Langone Medical Center, as quoted by the NYTimes, Thursday (28 / 7 / 2011).

Yet researchers from Cardiff University in Wales said there may be a contribution from the AC against respiratory tract infections. This is because the AC extract moisture from the air which can dry out the protective mucus that lines the nose, thus providing an opportunity for a virus or bacteria to multiply in the nose.

In addition to the AC are not cleaned regularly can also be a cause, because the AC will be a gathering place for microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses or fungi that can later be released into the air.

Studies conducted in 2004 of 920 women found that people who work in offices with central air conditioning has a higher level to not miss work due to illness and doctor visits to ENT (ear nose throat) are more frequent.

While the 1998 study conducted on 800 office workers also found more disease symptoms appear in workers who have offices air-conditioned compared with workers in naturally ventilated offices.

While cold symptoms appear such as runny nose and watery eyes are one of the body's response to cold air. This response is useful to help prevent dryness of the mouth and nose lining.

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Always Prevent Flu by pocketing Pen

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The flu virus is very contagious, especially when the weather is uncertain because the immune system tends to weaken. Many ways to prevent transmission of flu, one of them by making sure there is always a pen in your pocket or in the bag.
At first glance sounds preposterous and somewhat difficult to imagine that a pen would be able to reduce the risk of transmission of influenza. Objects seremeh pen that costs do not how it usually is available everywhere, then why bother to bring your own?
But just imagine if it did not bring a pen, then all writing activities should be done with common pen. Writing orders to eat in a restaurant menu, receipt signature use of credit cards, up to fill in the attendance at the wedding, all wearing pens public property.
Within a day, generally pens are available in restaurants or supermarkets would have been used by dozens or possibly hundreds of people. If there are few that are flu and sneezes and droplets or patches of phlegm stuck in the pen, then the risk of transmission will be very large.
Always carry a personal pen would not be difficult to do, because these objects can be inserted in a pocket or small purse tenteng though. But from these simple steps sanat, the risk of contracting the flu can be prevented or at least be reduced.
"In flu season, the pen is very likely become a medium of transmission of the virus. By bringing your own pen, the risk of contracting will be reduced very significantly," said Prof. Neil Schachter, lung specialist at Mount Sinai School of Medicine as quoted from Liverightlivewell, Sunday (9 / 10 / 2011).
Prof. Schachter said, he always advised his patients to bring their own pens since inspired his father who is a doctor. When I was practicing in the era of the 1940s, his father never wanted to use public pens so rarely get the flu.
Besides advised to bring their own pens, Prof. Schachter also recommends diligent hand washing. After touching objects that hold a lot of people, such as door handles and elevator buttons, the hands should be washed with soap.
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